The array of professionals and volunteers offering services to support breastfeeding can sometimes be confusing. Since the New York Lactation Consultant Association (NYLCA) is a professional organization for lactation consultants, the majority of our members have one or more credentials in lactation and healthcare. NYLCA only uses the term lactation consultant to refer to IBCLCs.
NYLCA also recognizes that a wide variety of professionals and can provide breastfeeding support. Nevertheless, NYLCA is not responsible for certifying or monitoring the practices of lactation consultants, educators, peer counselors, or any other professionals that provide breastfeeding support. Instead, NYLCA requires that service providers meet certain standards for listing their services on this website.
Parent Advisory: The term "lactation consultant" is not trade marked. Anyone can claim to be a lactation consultant. No one, however, can rightfully claim to be an International "Board Certified" Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) without meeting the rigorous standards of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE). The certification status of IBCLCs can be verified by their ID card or on the IBLCE website.
To help you make sense of the “alphabet soup” in the postpartum world, we’ve compiled this helpful list of the common abbreviations you might see.
Credentials that signify expertise in lactation
Lactation consultants
FILCA - Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association
IBCLC, RLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Registered Lactation Consultant
Lactation counselors and educators
RLC - Registered Lactation Consultant (all IBCLCs are also RLCs)
CBC - Certified Breastfeeding Counselor
CLC - Certified Lactation Counselor
CLE - Certified Lactation Educator
CLS - Certified Lactation Specialist
LLL Peer Counselor - La Leche League Peer Counselor
LLLL - La Leche League Leader
WIC Peer Counselor - Women Infants and Children Peer Counselor
Credentials in other related fields of support
Perinatal support
CD (DONA) - Birth Doula Certified by DONA
PCD (DONA) - Postpartum Doula Certified by DONA
Perinatal and other educators
CCE - Certified Childbirth Educator
CES - Childbirth Education Specialist
CIMI - Certified Infant Massage Instructor
Dip CBEd - Certified Childbirth Educator
EdD - Doctor of Education
LCCE - Lamaze-Certified Childbirth Educator
MEd - Master of Education
Credentials in other related fields of healthcare
APRN - Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
BSN - Bachelor of Science in Nursing
CDN - Certified Dietician Nutritionist
CM - Certified Midwife
CNM - Certified Nurse Midwife
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DO - Doctor of Osteopathy
DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy
FAAP - Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics
FACS - Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
FNP - Family Nurse Practitioner
LCSW - Licensed Clinical Social Worker
LMSW - Licensed Master of Social Work
LMT - Licensed Massage Therapist
LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse
MD - Doctor of Medicine
MHS - Master of Health Science
MPH - Master of Public Health
MSN - Master of Science in Nursing
MSPT - Master of Science in Physical Therapy
MSW - Master of Social Work
OT - Occupational Therapist
PT - Physical Therapist
RD - Registered Dietitian
RH-AHG - Registered Herbalist-American Herbalist Guild
RN - Registered Nurse
RNC - Registered Nurse Certified
RNC-OB - Registered Nurse Certified - Obstetrics
RPA-C - Registered Physician's Assistant
RYT - Registered Yoga Therapist
SLP - Speech-Language Pathologist
FICS - Fellow of the International College of Surgeons